Monday, 26 October 2015

Sharing your discoveries

You have spent some time exploring Google's Super Powers, now it's time to share what you have learnt.

In 4 teams you will be creating a bulletin board to show how to use 3 of the super powers you have learnt about and, most importantly, how they can be used together to generate really powerful searches. You will have today, Thursday and next Tuesday to work on this during class. The bulletin board must be finished and ready for grading by the end of Tuesday's class.

Individually, you also need to make a video showing how you can use these three super powers to improve the results by demonstrating their use. Upload the video to a video sharing site with appropriate tags and embed into your blog. This is due at the beginning of next Tuesday's class.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Create a theme package to support the theme idea that you support

To help us choose a theme for the Yearbook we have come up with a few ideas and then narrowed those down to the few ideas we have remaining.

In order to make a choice that we can all support, your task is to create a theme package to support the theme idea you would like to be chosen.

You can work alone or in groups no larger than 3. We have 13 students in the class, make sure you are being inclusive when you choose your groups.

In your theme package include:

The verbal theme and 3-4 sentences explaining why you think this is the best theme.
The imagery you would use to show the theme throughout the Yearbook.
The colours and fonts that would be used.
Create sample spreads for the following - cover, contents page, opening theme page, school photo page.
A Yearbook ladder

You can find the checklist/rubric for this project here.

We will negotiate the due date for this project in class.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Yearbook Theme

We need to choose a theme for the Yearbook before we can finalise the Style Guide.

Investigate the following:

What is a theme?

Why do we need one?

How would you use the theme in the Yearbook?

Suggest two theme ideas and argue/explain how your ideas would be used in the Yearbook..

Friday, 16 October 2015

Proofreading for capitalisation

Make a blog post that lists the capitalisation rules with examples of your own creation. You might find this page from OWL@ Purdue helpful.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Exploring Google's super powers

Google can do more than you think it can. To find out what Google can do for you, investigate Google's super powers and keep a record of your learning here.

Here are some resources to get you started:

Google Tips and Tricks

Get More Out of Google

How to Google it

Faculty Profiles in the WIN

Have you noticed that two of the Faculty Profiles you have been writing have been published in the WIN? Last week and this week your work has been published. Congratulations to Mohera, Anjali and Shahan.

In the next issue the profiles for Mr. Ansell and Mr. Detweiler will be published.

Hayan started Mr. Ansell's profile but he has transferred out of the class. I would like a volunteer to take Hayan's work and finish it off so that it can be published in the next issue of the WIN alongside the profile on Mr. Detweiler.

Please email me to volunteer.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Email the teacher(s) of the class that you will be covering for Yearbook

Before next class you need to send an email to the teacher(s) of the classes you are covering for the Yearbook. You signed up for these today during class.

In your email:

  • Introduce yourself - tell the teacher why you are sending them an email
  • Ask the teacher if you can make appointments to come and take candid pictures of them and their students (Elementary and Middle only, the High school does not have classes with their students outside of their subject areas)

Make sure you PROOFREAD your email before you send it. Mistakes are unprofessional and do  not add to the teachers' confidence in your ability to do this job well.

Remember to BCC me on the email.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Peer critique

After watching your group's video, read the self critique of one of your group mates (everyone should receive a critique, so work it out between you) and comment on their post leaving your peer critique using their criteria.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Library Orientation Presentation Videos

You can find the video of your presentations here. The videos are named for their content.

Your grades have been posted to Edline.

Secondary Library Orientation

The presentations were well done, except for a few factual inaccuracies.

For homework, write a summary of each of the presentations (except your own) and post it on your blog. This is due next lesson

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Whole school photo for Yearbook

We have been asked to make some suggestions for the whole school photo this year. We need to have our proposals ready this week. Bring your ideas to class and we will pick our favourite ideas to put forward.

Edit: Please describe your idea in a comment on this post.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Research Homework

You will be teaching your classmates about how to use the library (the specific area assigned to your group) on Tuesday in class. Make sure you and your groupmates are completely prepared!

Publication Design Homework

During our class today, you should have interviewed someone from another school.

Make a post on your blog with the name of the person you interviewed and two interesting things they had to say about SAISA Track, Field and Swim.

Upcoming summative deadlines

The Field Day spread needs to finalised for Tuesday October 6th. To submit your spread for the summative assessment, please update the .INDD file in the Field Day Spreads folder on Google Drive.

The faculty profile needs to be finalised for Friday October 9th. To submit your faculty profile for the summative assessment, please update the .JPEG file in the WIN profile submissions folder on Google Drive and upload your .INDD file as well.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Secondary Library Orientation Grading Criteria

You can access the grading criteria for the orientation here.

Volunteering to cover school events

Publication Design Journalists!

It is important that we cover all school events by sending a journalist, or two, to talk to people and take pictures.

Field Day was easy because it happened during the school day. There are a few other events like this, Cultural Diversity Day and Pakistan Day.

However, most school events happen outside of the time that you are scheduled to be in school. This weekend is the first example of this with the SAISA Track and Swim Meet.

It is crucial that we have people covering these events. Thank you to Jaemin, Rae, Omer, Sev, Shahan and Mohera for volunteering to cover this event.

I will be recording everyone's work on covering events on this Google Sheet, so that we can spread the load across all members of the class. You can see that Shahan has two check marks next to his name, this is because he has volunteered to come twice for this SAISA event.

I will be on campus this weekend to help manage the cameras. I will confirm on Monday that all the volunteers turned up to do their job, if not, I will remove their check marks from the sheet.

For those of you that did not volunteer this time, I hope you will be able to volunteer for the next event. If we do not have enough volunteers to cover an event, I will assign the work to someone who has no check marks next to their name, or has the least number of check marks next to their name.

You are in control of this, so long as you volunteer and take your share of the work. If you choose not to volunteer, you will be volunteered.