Saturday, 27 February 2016

Spreads due March 7th

Choose the next spread you will be working on for Yearbook. You all have access to the Google Sheet where you signed up for these spreads. Highlight in blue the one you choose to work on next.

You will need to submit the completed spread for formative assessment into this folder on Monday March 7th

Friday, 26 February 2016

Academic Honesty

Whether academic dishonesty is intentional or accidental, often the consequences are the same. To avoid any harsh consequences for accidental academic dishonesty, it is important to know how to protect yourself. This learning is not only useful for Research, but for all of your classes.

Complete two of the following tutorials and post evidence of your completion on your blog. If you complete the two tutorials before the end of the lesson, write a reflection of a time when you have been academically dishonest or have been tempted to be academically dishonest on your blog.

NIU Academic Integrity Tutorial - Complete all the sections and quizzes and post the certificate of completion on your blog. Remember to practice online safety when completing the certificate. The name on the certificate should be the same as the display name on your blog.

George Brown College Tutorial - This tutorial has a number of questions for you to answer. Make sure you choose a character to follow that uses MLA citation.

York University Tutorial - When you reach the end of the learning section, you can complete the quiz without logging in. Find the link that allows you to do this. When you have completed the quiz, post a screenshot of your score on your blog.

Virtual Academic Integrity Laboratory - There are a lot of graphics on this tutorial. Make sure you do all the modules then take the quiz. After you submit your name and email address (use your school email for this) you will see a screen with your quiz score. Post a screenshot of this on your blog.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Preparing for the second round of editing

The edits to the spreads Ms. Fossum has checked must be placed in the applicable Summative folder by noon on Friday February 26th. Please put them in the relevant folder as soon as you think they are ready to go. You can let Mr. Arthur know today that you are done so that he can go ahead and print it ready for Ms. Fossum.

Remember that Mr. Arthur will also be printing all of the new Summative spreads that you have submitted. Make sure that you have made edits to these based on my feedback.

You also have a Summative spread due on Monday February 29th. If you are finished making the changes the spreads edited by Ms. Fossum’s, then continue working on this.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Logisitics Letters

We need to communicate additional information to our guests and also get information from them for Security and the Tech Team.

Use this scaffold prepared by last year's Grade 10 students to help you write your logistics letter.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Gold Standard Video Redo

As I am still working on viewing and commenting on your videos, I have extended the deadline for the formative redo for this assessment until Sunday evening.

Make sure you leave the post with your videos up along with all the associated comments. Make a new post on your blog with your revised video.

Summative Assessment now due Sunday 14th

Please place the spread for summative assessment in this folder by Sunday evening.

Your next spread will be due for formative assessment on Friday February 19th, here.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Using the Golden Standard - Practice makes perfect

We are going to imagine that we have been told to write a research essay so that we can practice designing a Golden Standard.

Choose two questions from the list of questions in this document, make sure that no one sitting next to you, or in front/behind, has chosen the same questions as you have.

Start with one of your questions, consider the possible lines of inquiry. Make a list/ graphic organiser for these.

Now design a Golden Standard for this inquiry.

Publish both the lines of inquiry and the Golden Standard on your blog.

Once you have done this... repeat for your second research question.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Invitation letters

If you would like feedback on your invitation letters before you submit the summative, make sure you make them available in the folder before 4pm on Friday.

There is a folder for your final version. Make sure you submit your letter there for summative assessment by 4pm on Sunday.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Gold Standard Video Project

Some of the class have come by to beg for an extension for this project.

I am concerned that you are not using your time in class wisely.

As a result, if you all use your time efficiently in class for the rest of the week as we finish up the invitation letters for Pakistan Day, I will extend the due date for the Gold Standard Video until Sunday at 4pm.

If you do choose to waste time, then the current due date stands for everyone. This is similar to the social responsibility that was a part of the database quiz.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Candid Pages Summative Submission

Please submit your spreads for the candid pages into this folder.

Remember to include evidence of your folder structure along with your best efforts for the summative assessment.