Friday, 22 January 2016

Three spreads for February

Choose the next spread you will be working on for Yearbook. You all have access to the Google Sheet where you signed up for these spreads. Highlight in green the one you choose to work on next.

In order to get the Yearbook completed on time, we need to complete 3 spreads each this month. Keep this in mind when you make your choice of spread to complete.

You will need to submit the completed spread for formative assessment into this folder on Friday February 5th.

Using your Gold Standard

Using the Gold Standard that you developed last week and posted on your blog, find the best website to answer ‘your cousin’s’ worries about plastic bottles and cancer. The website should meet all of the criteria you set up in your Gold Standard.

You will work with the partner that was assigned to you last week.

When you have found the best website, create a video to show how this website meets the criteria in your Gold Standard. To do this well you will need to refer to the information need, your Gold Standard and the website itself.

When you are done, upload the video to a video sharing website and embed it in your blog using the embed code available on the video sharing website.

The video will be graded. I will be looking for your ability to apply the Gold Standard and your analysis of your chosen website.

The video must be embedded in a post on your blog by Wednesday February 3rd.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Creating a Gold Standard for information sources

With a partner and using the following scenario, create a Gold Standard for a website that you would use to address your cousin's concerns. Publish your Gold Standard on your blog.

"Your cousin has heard that you should not drink bottled water that’s been sitting in a hot car because the plastic bottles leak a toxic substance that increases the drinker’s chance of developing cancer.

As breast cancer runs in your family, this is an issue dear to your heart. What characteristics would you want to see (who, what, when,where, why) in a website you would be willing to use to advise your cousin about whether it’s safe to drink the water."

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Interested in the IB Diploma next year?

You might like to attend an IB Summer School in the USA this summer. 

It's bad, really, really bad. But why?

With a partner, visit this website, read it carefully and make a list of all the reasons your teachers would not want you to use it in a research paper.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Inviting Speakers for Pakistan Day

Today we will work on writing an invitation letter for our Pakistan Day speakers.

All potential speakers need to be approved by Ms. Fossum before an invitation can be sent. Complete this form with the speaker's details and include the link to the post on your blog that you completed for homework. Ms. Fossum will use this information to make her decision.

All invitation letters will be sent on ISOI letterhead via email (mine) or can be printed for hand delivery (by you).

Today we are going to be working on writing a draft of your letter of invitation. Here is an outline prepared by last year's hosts that you may find useful.

Remember to paragraph appropriately, use formal language and proofread your work.

This is due for submission on Friday January 22nd at 4pm. Place your letter in this folder. Make sure that it is appropriately named so I can identify it as yours.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

You are a journalist writing for the Yearbook

Write an article for the Grade 10 page in this year's Yearbook. Describe what it is like to be a student in Grade 10 at ISOI this year. 

What have been the highs and lows? What are the interesting events that you and your classmates will remember because you experienced them together?

Remember that your audience is everyone who reads the yearbook, all students in the school, teachers and parents.

  • Write at least two paragraphs.
  • Use descriptive language to describe your grade's experiences.
  • Use language appropriate for your audience.
The students in the Publication Design class will use your articles as a basis for writing the Grade 10 page in this year's Yearbook.