Friday, 28 August 2015


Today we learnt about colour palettes, font palettes and manipulating photos. The last part of our learning today was about backgrounds.

YOUR HOMEWORK is to work with your publication partner to find and agree on a background for your Faculty Profile.

Your 'publication partner' is the person who will have their profile in the same edition of WIN as you will. You can find their name in the Google Sheet we used to choose which teachers we will interview.

Look for a background using Google Images, remember to check that you can use it legally and that it is 'high quality'. When you have found something you like, send an email to your partner with a link to your preferred background to see what they think.

ON MONDAY, you will need your agreed upon background, the photos of your teacher, the bullet points and narrative in it's final proofread form.

You will be working in InDesign to make your faculty profile spread for the WIN. At the end of the lesson it will be finished and submitted to Ms. Fossum for approval.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Share your learning!

Create a wall display to teach the secondary students about Creative Commons Licenses so that they know their rights and responsibilities.

You can find the details of this project in our Google Drive

Choose groups to work in and which room you will display your work. Edit the GoogleDoc to show this information.

Follow the instructions.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Copyright and Youtube

How does Youtube manage all the content that users upload?

Watch this TEDTalk about Youtube and copyright:

What do you think?

How is Youtube following copyright law that you have been learning about?

We do not have access to Youtube in Pakistan. Read the policies of either DailyMotion or Vimeo to see how they manage copyrighted content.

Post your thoughts and learning to your blog.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Email for Teachers

Well done to all of you who have sent me your draft emails for the teachers. If I received your email, then I have sent you some feedback. Make sure you act on that feedback then send the revised email to the teacher you will be interviewing.

When you have made your appointment with the teacher, please record the date and time of the interview in the relevant column in the Google Sheet for this project.

Remember to take your camera (if you need to borrow one, see Mr. Arthur in the HS Lab) and think before you go about how you are going to record the teacher's answers to your questions.

Do not be afraid to ask for clarification if you are confused! It is important that the information we publish is accurate. Be sure that you have recorded the teacher's information correctly and that you understand what they are telling you before you leave the interview. You will not get a second chance to interview the teacher to check for understanding. Whatever you have when you leave them, is what you will use to make their profile.

Best of luck!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Faculty Profile Project

Our client, Ms. Fossum, has asked us to create Faculty Profiles for the WIN, reference the picture below. You have seen the Google Sheet with the names of the teachers and signed up for the teachers for whose profiles you will be responsible.

Your homework tonight is to write the email you will send to the teacher that you will be interviewing first (the one for whom your name is highlighted for in the Google Sheet. DO NOT SEND THE EMAIL TO THE TEACHER, send the email to me so that I can take a look at it. I will give you some feedback, then you will be able to send an email to the teacher after making any corrections. We talked about the big ideas you need to include in your email, reference the picture below. Remember to paragraph!

I need to see your email tomorrow morning so that I can read them all and get the feedback to you as soon as possible. We have a very short time line on this!

What is ©?

In Lawrence Lessig's TED Talk, he talks about copyright, the Public Domain, Fair Use and alludes to Creative Commons.

What are these?

How do they relate to creativity?

Watch the following animation about Copyright:

Copyright and Fair Use Animation

Use this as your starting point to learn more about:

Intellectual Property


Fair Use

Creative commons

Public Domain 

Think about:

What protection is offered?
Who benefits from the protection offered?
Who can use the material being protected? Under what conditions?

You have this lesson and tomorrow's lesson to complete this investigation. Post your learning on your blog by the beginning of Friday's class.

Use subheadings and hyperlinks to help organize and attribute your work.

This work will be graded using the following criteria:

  • Accurate definition of the term (2)
  • An example that demonstrates understanding of the protection offered for each term (4)
  • A description that demonstrates understanding of who benefits and how they benefit for each term (4)
  • A description that demonstrates understanding of who can use the material and the conditions under which it can be used (6)

Monday, 17 August 2015

Read an article from National Geographic

Read an article from National Geographic and think about how the journalist has considered the audience when writing the story. 

What do you notice about the tone of the article? 

What do you notice about the verb tenses used in the article? 

What do you notice about the headline?

Include an MLA citation for the article with the title of the article in the citation hyperlinked to the article on the web.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

What do you think you know about Intellectual Property?

What is Intellectual Property? 

Break this phrase apart and look at each word individually. How do you define each of these words?

Now put the words back together and write your own definition for "Intellectual Property".

Publish this definition on your blog.

Consider how you use other people's Intellectual Property. Do you remix? Do you download music? Do you forward other people's pictures to friends?

Make a list and post it to your blog.

After watching the TEDTalk shown in class, think about how your actions are covered in law.


You as a creator of creative things… Write a blogpost for your blog considering the following

Share an experience of being creative.

What did you create?

How does it feel to be a creator?

Include a picture or a link if you can.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Read a Time article...

Read an article from Time and think about how the journalist has considered the audience when writing the story. 

What do you notice about the tone of the article? 

What do you notice about the verb tenses used in the article? 

What do you notice about the headline?

Write a blogpost responding to the guiding questions about the Time article you decided to read. Include a reference and link to the Time article.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Welcome to Research 10 for the graduating class of 2018!

Hello all,

This is the space where we will communicate. We will communicate through this blog and through your own blogs. I will often ask you to post your thinking to your blog. Your blog will be your 'binder' for this class. It is most important that you 'tag' or 'label' all of your posts for this class with the tag or label Research.

Please visit this Google Sheet called Blogs for graduating class of 2018 to give me your blog details. I will change the blog roll on the right hand side of this blog so that there are links to your blogs here. I will use these all the time when I am grading your work.

I am looking forward to teaching you this year.